
6″ 6W ceiling-speaker with secure screw mounting. The ceiling speaker is versatile, being used in many installations for public address anouncements.
Conformité Européenne
UKCA Certified
Material/ColorAluminium / RAL9010
Mounting4 screws
TerminationSpring clamp
Weight0.87 kg
Min/Max amb temp-20 °C / 90 °C
Rated power6 W
SPL 1W/1m:92 db
SPL Rated Power99 db
Effective freq. Range110 - 19000 Hz
Dispersion (-6dB) 1kHz / 4kHz150° / 85° (baffle)
OptionsColor / Impedance / Label
B-620(T) frequency graph

Documentation  |  B-620(T)

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